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Fun in the City

Updated: Jan 23, 2019

Yesterday was SO much fun! We had the day off of school for MLK day and my great friend Debra and I were trying to think of something fun to take the kids to do, that is not one of our regular go to activities. Yes, we thought of the classic movie, roller skating, trampoline park, you get the idea.

Even though there was the parade downtown, traffic around the city was light so we thought about taking the kids downtown! When my girls were younger and we would drive past downtown, they would literally point at every building and ask if I had been inside. To their disappointment, the answer was 97% of the time a "no".

Poor Debra, works downtown so for her even though she was on vacation, she still showed up to the office, this time with 6 with her!

The kids LOVED it! It was really something to see when you're young and have never been to the "top of a sky scraper". We saw the parade from the 49th floor, rode the escalators & elevators, walked in the under ground tunnels, sat outside at the tables for lunch, then sat inside for lunch, visited Discovery Green, shopped, played, visited the huge Texas shaped pool, and finished the day with ice cream and bowling! Yep, we were all exhausted and ready to relax once the day was done. I would highly recommend a day downtown if you have some time in the future. There is so much to do we will definitely have to go back!

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